
Standing up and speaking out

We provide many activities that assist students in developing leadership skills.

High School

All students at IGS are encouraged to recognise that the best leadership comes from within the group and is not imposed on them. Our leadership activities allow students to consider social responsibility both within and outside the school community.

The tutor system is vertical, allowing senior students to mentor junior students in a group. Year 9 students also mentor Year 4 as part of their curriculum. Links are also made between specific senior and junior students for extra support.

Year 11 students are given responsibility in the House system and in House assemblies, and attend a mid-year Leadership Development Day. At the end of Term 3,  students in Year 11 are elected as School Leaders for the House’s Art, Music, Language, Sport, Community Service and co-curricular activities.

Primary School

Our primary school program provides opportunities for students to develop their individual capacity to lead and influence others in a responsible manner.

Leadership activities link strongly with learning about citizenship and the the democratic process. They assist students to learn about, and exercise, the rights and responsibilities of participating in a community that values social justice. IGS provides processes and structures that allow student representation, and incorporates students’ views into decision-making and the life of the school.

Every student in Year 3 to 6 has the opportunity to be selected as a class representative on the Student Representative Council. Democratic class elections are held twice a year. Each class may select two representatives each semester.