
Our Past & Our Future

Read about our school’s history and future goals.

Our Past

International Grammar School was built upon the vision of Professor Reg St Leon to create a school based on bilingual immersion, diversity and acceptance.

IGS opened in 1984 in the Stanley Street premises of the Little Sisters of the Poor, Randwick. The School’s modest enrolment of 44 students ranging from Kindergarten to Year 11 grew to 123 students by the end of that first year — and by first term in 1985, enrolments had grown to 231.

Several years later, having lost the lease at Randwick, the School moved to the former Elizabeth Arden cosmetics factory in Riley Street, Surry Hills. The old buildings were converted into a school in the space of just six weeks.

With expanding enrolments and the need for specialised High School teaching facilities, additional space was required.

From 1990 to 1994, premises in Balmain were employed as a Senior High School, accommodating Year 11 and Year 12. In 1995, the High School reunited and moved to a temporary site in Mountain Street, Ultimo.

In 1997, IGS moved the whole school to its current premises on the historical site of the Dalgety Wool Store in Kelly Street, Ultimo. The architects sought a spectacular and colourful design that reflects the School’s inner-city Sydney location, incorporating the building’s historic facade with modern aesthetics.

Additional sites have enabled new learning spaces and opportunities across the full range of school activities.

The adjoining Wright Building in Bay Street opened in 2000 with new primary school classrooms. In 2005, the School opened the Senior Annexe in a converted warehouse building in Mountain Street, very close to the main building.

The Kerrie Murphy Building (KMB) at 1 Macarthur Street (adjacent to the Wright Building) was built through the Building Education Revolution funding and was officially opened in 2011. The KMB provides a Primary School Library, offices for languages staff and multi-purpose areas. In 2015, IGS acquired the property of 77-79 Bay Street for a senior art studio and administration and meeting spaces.

IGS now boasts a student population of 1,200 from Preschool to Year 12.

Our Future

Our future goals are underpinned by IGS’s Core Values:
  • Diversity
  • Personal Achievement
  • Connectedness
  • Authenticity
  • Vibrancy

Our goals for the School are outlined in the Strategic Plan.

The IGS School Song

Unity, Diversity by Dr Ross Edwards, AM

Part One
Unity, Unity
Unity, diversity, diversity
Unidad, diversidad, diversidad
Unidad, diversidad, diversidad
La diversité, la diversité, la diversité.
Enotita poly morphia, enotita poly morphia
Unity, chorwa, diversity, chorwa
Unidad, diversidad, henka henka, henka henka
Unidad, diversidad, henka henka, henka henka
Einigkeit vielfalt, einigkeit vielfalt, einigkeit
L’unité, la diversité

Part Two
Unita, Unita, Unita, diversita
Unidad, diversidad, l’unité
Unidad, diversidad, l’unité
L’unité, la diversité, la diversité
Enotita poly morphia
Enotita, l’unité
Unita, chorwa, diversita
Henka henka, henka henka
Unidad, diversidad, l’unité, henka henka
Unidad, diversidad, l’unité
Einigkeit, vielfalt, einigkeit, vielfalt,
Einigkeit L’unité.